Quality and Environment Policy

Nowadays, it is a must for organizations to introduce IT technologies in order to demonstrate their ability. Just using a computer is not enough to do so. Application Space Co., Ltd provides full support to help companies make use of their potential.
We focus on uniqueness of the company like personality. To realize what it should be, we provide suitable services for the customer through compliance and continual improvement.

As for environment, we will make effort to protect environment, prevent environmental contamination, and commit to the followings.

  1. Promote recycling and energy saving
  2. Invest in organizations that make efforts toward a carbon-free society

    Consideration to Quality

    To meet the customer’s request, we provide services by building suitable IT system, operating it appropriately through continual improvement.

    Consideration to Environment

    We have been introducing environmentally friendly products proactively, including electric appliances, air conditioner and lighting equipment. We also use recycled paper and expendables. In February 2024, we moved our office to an environmentally-conscious building where renewable energy is used. We will continue to provide employees with education programs to increase awareness about recycling in daily life as well as in the office.

    February 15, 2024
    Application Space Co., Ltd.
    PMO Kandasudacho Bldg 5F
    1-4-4 Kandasudacho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0041, Japan
    CEO Kiyoo Miyao